Monday, November 14, 2011

Prisha Loryyo is EVIL!!

I hate her so much! Sorry I havent been able to post anything lately! Prisha 'accidentally' spilled coffee on my laptop before school started. She said she tripped but she didnt, she dumped it on it. How do I know? Because I read her mind of course like always. The principal believed me at least and she owes me a new laptop. Which she has to give to me by the end of the semester. 12 weeks! How am I blogging this right now, you may ask? I am at the libary. Many of you would say it is very quiet here but when you have no control of hearing everyones thoughts, its loud! Like the dude next to me has his earrphones up wayy to loud! I dont even like rap because they talk to fast in the songs. Yes, I  know I said talk, not sing so dont correct me. Anyway shes been out since then with Mono, I bet shes just trying to get out of having to get a new laptop for me or kissing wayy to many boys way to much.
ugh! I am getting worked up. Bye

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hah! Thats what you get!

Today was the best day of my life. Out of all the thoughts I could hear..Prisha Loryyo had the meanest, nastiest thoughts of all, other than the teachers thoughts. But today she had thoughts about how she screwed up in the stupidest, worst way possible. Today... she cussed out a teacher.
Should I be happy she got suspended? Yes, I should because she tried to trip me, passed me a note, I didnt read but heard every word in it when she wrote it (of course she thought I was scared to read it when I didnt and wasnt) and then tried to give me a bill for her outfit! Like come on all she did was washed it and it came out! She bought the freaking clothes from Walmart! But anyway I am sure you all are wondering why she cussed the teacher? well it was because I moved her chair out from behind her- no not with my hands. my telekinesis or whatever power. I moved it with my mind! She fell down on her butt- hard- and actually cried! like a baby. Then she turned around to see who did it and the teacher was right behind her so naturally she thought the teacher did it. She screamed on top of her lungs, Why the 'heck' did you do that for you old man?'. Everyone heard it loud and Clear. She tried to deny saying the "H E double hockey" sticks word but it didnt work because everyone, and I mean everyone heard it. I am sooo happy I did it! Revenge is my best friend now.... if your like me, you should try it, but of course NOBODY is like me :(
With aweosmeness, love, and successful revenge~ Nik

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Uh Oh.....

You know how I told you about Prisha Goryyo yesterday? Yeah, she did not forget about the whole hating me thing. Today she made a huge scene during lunch by dumping two whole bottles of gaterade over my head while I was paying for my food (which taste nasty considering its school lunch) and she got her group of friends to do it to. So I got a total of six bottle of gaterade dumbed on me. So I left early so nobody would stare at me and my sticky soaked gaterade outfit and whatever they may say or do. My mom is still at work so she didnt see me and wont know and hopefully wont find out!
But because of everyone starring at me again today during lunch and hearing their thoughts about it... again.... I dont think I can dodge the radar this year. Maybe not even this school...
anyway I have been thinking that maybe it wasnt me that made the gateraede explode because thats what I thought at first, but I think that that boys eyes really did turn red and caused it to explode. I am not sure, but its just an idea. Like- I would have noticed if I could explode things because that would make popping popcorn easier and faster.....just an idea you know.

ugh- my mom just texted me telling me to do my homework. I seriously have to find who taught her how to text and beg them to undo it.. I dont know how they will undo it- they just should.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bloody Tricks

Grrrr.... I am sooo mad! Today when I was in lunch I was drinking some gaterade when a huge pain of electricity shot through my hand when I bumbed this one kid. I dont know what happened but he looked at me and I could have sworn his eyes turned red. litterally I am not joking or making this up- but everyone thinks I am. After that my gaterade just kinda.... went KABOOM!!! and it splattered everywhere even on Prisha Goryyo (I am not using her real name so she cant sue me) and it was hilarious! I cracked up laughing and she got all up in my face saying "What's so funny you freak".that made me laugh even more! The cafeteria got really quiet really quick because she screamed it!! Everyone was starring at us and then... I heard their thoughts and none were nice..."Loser gonna get beat" "what did that girl do?" "She has got to be on crack to do that" "how did that freakshow do that?" "what happened?" ok some of them werent that bad. But I guess flying under the radar and keeping it on the downlow isnt going to work this year.....
anyway i gotta go my mom is telling me to come down and eat dinner- spagetti-Yuck! I hope she will forget about it tomarrow....
with awesome love and embarrassment... Nik